1 pI計(ji)算(suan):
2 膜蛋白二(er)級結構預測,可(ke)判斷跨膜區
Classification and Secondary Structure Prediction of Membrane Proteins(pdf)
3 MemBrain: Transmembrane protein structure prediction
4 STRING 蛋(dan)白(bai)互作
5 UniProt :。Uniprot是(shi) Universal Protein 的英文(wen)縮寫,是信息(xi)最(zui)豐富、資源(yuan)最(zui)廣(guang)的蛋白質數據庫。它由整合Swiss-Prot、 TrEMBL 和 PIR-PSD 三大數(shu)據庫的數(shu)據而成(cheng)。他(ta)的數(shu)據主要(yao)來自(zi)于(yu)基因組測序項目完成后(hou),后(hou)續獲得的蛋白(bai)質(zhi)序(xu)列。
6 Cell-PLoc 2.0
Cell-PLoc 2.0: A package of web-servers for predicting subcellular localization of proteins in different organisms
7 Pumba-Human
The PUMBA database is a resource of reference 1D-SDS-PAGE migration patterns for proteins from human and other organisms. Its purpose is to validate or troubleshoot western blot experiments, but also to provide information about proteoforms.